I've always been fascinated by computers. I remember the first time I operated one back in 1st grade in a computer class alas it was just using paint in windows 98 but it still was the coolest thing ever.
Fast forward to highschool where I was introduced to Java which sparked my interest in programming. I've been coding since on and off since but recently a few months back I started considering web development as a career and a step into the software development industry. I've been working to achieve that dream ever since and won't stop until I get there.
I've completed Front End development at FreeCodeCamp and graduated Front End Developer Nanodegree as part of Google-Udacity Scholarship.
Recently, I got another scholarship from Facebook-Udacity for Deep Learning with PyTorch.
Currently, I'm pursing PyTorch scholarship alongside learning d3.js and strengthening my JS and Node.js skills.
The skills I've gathered so far are listed as below. I believe in learning from mistakes and there's always room for improvement.
Want to get in touch with me? Be it to request more information about myself or my experience/resume or just to have a friendly chat. Feel free to message me and I'll get back to you.